Monday 14 January 2013

Comet Miniatures Dalek 1

Having only done Sevans models before, this one was a doddle. An interesting difference (for the kit-maker) between Sevans Dalek-skirts and Comet ones is the way they do the hemispheres. The former have them moulded onto the panels, and the latter have them separate, with stubs to attach them to the panels with. So with Comet you get a far easier paint job but a longer assembly process.

I took the suggestion in the instructions and replaced the plastic plunger arm with a metal one, and in so doing discovered a nice way to merge the cross sections of pipes that sit tightly inside one another. You put one into the other, and roll the whole back and forth under the blade of a craft knife. When you cut through, you find that whereas before you had two distinct pipe endings visible, now there’s ‘only one.’

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